2023 Annual Chamber Trip
Discover and Explore Ancient Greece
Departing October 20, 2023
Act now and receive the Early Bird Discount of $300 per person (if deposited by April 15th)
You are invited to an informational meeting at the
Chamber Office on April 11th, from noon - 1:00 pm.
A light bite will be offered.
The details of the trip will be discussed,
and you will have an opportunity to ask questions of our
Chamber Discoveries Representative.
Confirm your spot by placing your deposit that day
or by April 15th to take advantage of the "Early-bird" pricing!
R.S.V.P. to Shelly at 810.629.5447 ext. 4000
for this exciting meeting!
(R.S.V.P. not required - but greatly appreciated!)

Date and Time
Friday Oct 20, 2023 Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Depart the U.S. on October 20
Return from Athens on October 28
for Daily Details
Starting at $3,199 per person with round trip scheduled airfare.
Also includes trip transfers between airports and hotel!
Click here for Details.
Contact Information
Shelly Day, IOM, CTA
Executive Director
Send Email